On Monday, March 07, 2011 6:45:11 am Durumdara wrote:
> Hi!
> Thanks!
> How do I create "cursor" or "for select" in PGSQL with dynamic way?
> For example
> :tbl = GenTempTableName()
> insert into :tbl...
> insert into :tbl...
> insert into :tbl...
> for select :part_id from :tbl begin
>     exec 'select count(*) from subitems where id = ?' using :part_id into
> :sumof
>     update :tbl set sumof = :sumof where part_id=:part_id
> end;
> Can you show me same example?

There are examples in the docs at the link provided. Though I would suggest 
reading the pl/pgsql documentation from the beginning to get an idea of its 

> Thanks:
>     dd

Adrian Klaver

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