Joe Kislo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ... this lack of BLOB support. I understand that the C
> API can read/write -files- off the server's filesystem and load them
> into the database. Unfortunately we would absolutely require true
> over-the-wire blob support through JDBC. AFAIK, even with these "toast"
> columns, it still wouldn't fill that need.
This is a misunderstanding. You can still use the old-style large
objects (in fact 7.1 has an improved implementation of them too),
and there's always been support for either over-the-wire or
server-filesystem read and write of large objects. In fact the former
is the preferred way; the latter is deprecated because of security
issues. In a standard installation you can't do the server-filesystem
bit at all unless you are superuser.
The JDBC support for over-the-wire access to large objects used to
have some bugs, but AFAIK those are cleaned up in current sources
(right Peter?)
Adding a similar feature for TOAST columns will certainly be a
notational improvement, but it won't add any fundamental capability
that isn't there already.
> 2) Postgre does not record rollback segments.
We know this is needed. But it will not happen for 7.1, and there's
no point in complaining about that; 7.1 is overdue already.
regards, tom lane