
I have an iPad and a small network of macs and fedora/windoze machines at home.

I am running pg 8.4.4 on all of the 'real' computers.

I have been hoping that some developer would create an iPad app that would 
allow me
to access my home database ( i am getting a bit long in the tooth and 
passwords for discussion groups and similar stuff is getting hard to remember).

I can securely access my home net via VPN (or ssh ).

I do have a terminal app on the iPad that groks ssh ( or just
use the VPN).

But psql on the terminal apps is not pleasant to use, I get a lot of
wrapping due to the screen size...

I recalled that I had written a 'cgi' that would let me connect to a pg 
execute sql and display the results in a html table.

The bad news is that after 11 or so years my perl foo has vanished.

This afternoon I tried my hand at installing the necessary perl modules
to be able to talk to pg.

I am running the latest MacOSX and using the Apple installed perl.

I had to force install DBD::Pg and was afraid it would die when invoked.

Much to my surprise the cgi worked! I can access the db and execute 
single sql statements and select results are displayed in a table.

I have a 'more' button in case there are more than 500 rows...

The cgi has two meta-commands, 'table' and 'describe <table>'. The
'table' command lists all of the tables in a db and the describe command
attempts to list the column names and data types ( does not work for
schema qualified table names).

So what I have does give me access to my Pg db from anywhere on my iPad but now 
that I have
a taste:

Is there an idiot installable package for MacOsX Snow Leopard that will
provide a 'better' user experience for accessing Pg via the web, especially
when viewed on the iPad?

I would be grateful if a Perl/Pg person would take a look at the rempgsql.pl
script and make it mo'better.

The script is located at http://homepage.mac.com/levanj/Perl/



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