Hello everybody out there using PostgreSQL,

A table with the results of students in different exams

student | date_of_exam | grade
Peter   | 2010-09-09   | 2
Tom     | 2010-09-09   | 1
Andy    | 2010-09-21   | 3
Tom     | 2010-09-21   | 4
Peter   | 2010-09-21   | 1
Peter   | 2010-10-11   | 2

shall be transformed to a denormalized view like:

student | grade_2010_09_09 | grade_2010_09_21 | grade_2010_10_11
Peter   | 2                | 1                | 2
Tom     | 1                | 4                | NULL
Andy    | NULL             | 3                | NULL

I've already done extensive Web-search and posted in Usenet for help concerning this problem and was pointed to the tablefunc module which seems to be a solution. Since I only have a database but no administrative rights for the PostgreSQL installation, I can't use the tablefunc module.
Is there any way to denormalize my table using a simple SQL script?

Thanks in advance,

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