On 2011-01-15, Randall Smith <rand...@tnr.cc> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've created a trigger that checks the uniqueness of two columns in a
> table.  Traditionally, one would use a unique constraint, but in my
> case, the size of the unique index would be too large and some
> performance loss is acceptable.  However, the trigger performance seems
> to be far below what's indicated by an explain analyze of the query used
> in the trigger.
> The unique fields consist of a an indexed int8 (volume_id) and a text
> field (name).  The average ratio of volume_id to name is 1 to 10,000.
> The query I'm using to check uniqueness in the trigger is:
>         ...
>         volume_id = NEW.volume_id AND name = NEW.name)) THEN
>             RAISE EXCEPTION '% already exists on volume', NEW.name;
>         END IF;
>         ...

In plpgsql IF is an implicit select. 

         volume_id = NEW.volume_id AND name = NEW.name) THEN
             RAISE EXCEPTION '% already exists on volume', NEW.name;
         END IF;

i don't know if that will help performance though

>  Result  (cost=8.35..8.36 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.019..0.020
> rows=1 loops=1)
>    InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
>      ->  Index Scan using volume_id_idx on t1  (cost=0.00..8.35 rows=1
> width=0) (actual time=0.016..0.016 rows=0 loops=1)
>            Index Cond: (volume_id = 300)
>            Filter: (name = 'whodat'::text)
>  Total runtime: 0.053 ms
> (6 rows)

I got 0.4ms the first time I tried this.

that's actual runtime is helped by cache locality, reconnect and try
it again and you'll see a worse figure
( I got a factor of three difference)

at 53us ir probably didn't hit the hard disk, when that starts
happening things will get much worse.

> 0.053 ms/record / 1,000 ms/sec * 10,000 records = .53 seconds


> According to that stat, this lookup should be adding about 0.5 seconds
> to 10,000 records,

why?  what are you doing to 10000 records.

> far from the actual 38 seconds it is adding.  I've
> tried to change up the query in the trigger to see if I could get
> different results with not much luck.  Any idea what might be taking up
> the extra time or what I can do to troubleshoot?

Try it without that check (on sample data) and see how much faster it goes 
(just comment out that part of the trigger)
when I tested that here I could not see a definate difference.
(timings were all over the place, some slower some faster)

how much disk (in bytes, and dollars) are you hoping to save by not
using the index.

⚂⚃ 100% natural

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