On 2011-01-15, Andrus Moor <kobrule...@hot.ee> wrote:
> Invoice numbers have format  yymmddn
> where n is sequence number in day staring at 1 for every day.
> command
> SELECT COALESCE(MAX(nullif(substring( substring(tasudok from 7), 
> '^[0-9]*'),'')::int),0)+1
> FROM invoice
> where date= ?invoicedate
> is used to get next free invoice number if new invoice is saved.
> If multiple invoices are saved concurrently from different processes, they 
> will probably get same number.
> How to get unique invoice number for some day in 8.1+ when multiple users 
> create new invoices ?

use a sequence, reset the sequence each night.

⚂⚃ 100% natural

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