If the gaps (user gets a number from a sequence and then rollbacks the
transaction) are not a problem, then the sequences (reset every day) are
probably the best solution.

If the gaps are a problem (which is usually the case with invoicing
systems), then you need to manage that on your own, e.g. using a table
with one row for sequence (but that might be a bottleneck with multiple
users and a lot of invoices).


Dne 15.1.2011 20:32, Jorge Godoy napsal(a):
> Why would you do that?
> You can always reset the sequence at the end of the day.
> --
> Jorge Godoy     <jgo...@gmail.com <mailto:jgo...@gmail.com>>
> On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 17:09, Andrus Moor <kobrule...@hot.ee
> <mailto:kobrule...@hot.ee>> wrote:
>     There are 365 days in year.
>     Do you really think pre-creating sequence for every day for every
>     year is best solution ?
>     Andrus.
>         ----- Original Message -----
>         *From:* Jorge Godoy <mailto:jgo...@gmail.com>
>         *To:* Andrus Moor <mailto:kobrule...@hot.ee>
>         *Cc:* pgsql-general@postgresql.org
>         <mailto:pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
>         *Sent:* Saturday, January 15, 2011 8:41 PM
>         *Subject:* ***SPAM*** Re: [GENERAL] How to generate unique
>         invoice numbers foreach day
>         Use a sequence.
>         --
>         Jorge Godoy     <jgo...@gmail.com <mailto:jgo...@gmail.com>>
>         2011/1/15 Andrus Moor <kobrule...@hot.ee <mailto:kobrule...@hot.ee>>
>             Invoice numbers have format  yymmddn
>             where n is sequence number in day staring at 1 for every day.
>             command
>             SELECT COALESCE(MAX(nullif(substring( substring(tasudok from
>             7), '^[0-9]*'),'')::int),0)+1
>             FROM invoice
>             where date= ?invoicedate
>             is used to get next free invoice number if new invoice is saved.
>             If multiple invoices are saved concurrently from different
>             processes, they will probably get same number.
>             How to get unique invoice number for some day in 8.1+ when
>             multiple users create new invoices ?
>             Andrus.
>             -- 
>             Sent via pgsql-general mailing list
>             (pgsql-general@postgresql.org
>             <mailto:pgsql-general@postgresql.org>)
>             To make changes to your subscription:
>             http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general

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