Bruce Momjian wrote:
> > The bottom line is that the marketing of PostgreSQL is not even close to
> > that of MySQL.  Thank god the code, community and support doesn't follow
> > suit!
> I think MySQL got a big start by migrating mSQL users years ago and
> having a compatibility module for mSQL.

One great advantage of mySQL (and mSQL) ist the low
connection-overhead. Especially in mSQL this was an explicit

In CGI-based WEB-environments it is very important that the time spent
for connecting the database is as low as possible. Time wasted there
cannot be autweight by fast SELECTS since many CGI do only very few

Using later WEB-techniques (as e.g. Servlets or Fast-CGI) this part
becomes less important since an single DB-connection can be kept open
across multiple WWW-requests. In applications where the connection is
kept open for a long time the connection overhead becomes


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