On Sun, 10 Dec 2000, Matthew wrote:

> > I think MySQL got a big start by migrating mSQL users years ago and
> > having a compatibility module for mSQL.
> >
>       [Matthew]  Would it make sense for postgre to have a mysql
> compatibility module?  An add on package (perhaps in contrib) that would add
> many of the functions that mysql has that postgre does not.  I know this
> couldn't cover everything, but it could probably make it much easier to port
> an app written against mysql to postgre.  I have seen several posts on these
> lists about someone attempting to port some app to postgre, and now knowing
> how to find the postgre equivelant of some mysql function.

I think it would be wasted effort.  I would rather the developers focus on
PostgreSQL, not MySQL, or Access, or whatever.  We have things like DBI &
ODBC (not to mention SQL, which is fairly standard) to make data access
generic.  I think trying to do this at a lower-level is a waste of time.

Just my $.02, of course.

You mean you didn't *know* she was off making lots of little phone companies?

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