Kalai this is not the proper list to ask, in my opinion. And sincerely I
don't know if a proer list exists.
What you want to achieve is to build a web application and the most
followed way to do that is to use a web framework.
Web frameworks are software that allows you build a web application,
like other frameworks help you building desktop application.

If you have used Visual Studio to build the .NET desktop application you
will find plenty of documentation to build a web application using
Visual Studio as a  framework and IDE.

You have received suggestions about .NET because you told the list you
have .NET skills, but there are several programming languages and
frameworks built on their top to build web applications

To help you further would mean to give you a course some day long on how
to build a web application and this is plenty out of the scope of this
list, I believe.

Il 09/12/2010 7.52, Kalai R ha scritto:
> Thank You for your suggestion. Any other suggestions are welcome.
> On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Vincent Veyron <vv.li...@wanadoo.fr
> <mailto:vv.li...@wanadoo.fr>> wrote:
>     Le mardi 07 décembre 2010 à 13:42 +0530, Kalai R a écrit :
>     >  So please guide me, What should do to implement online postgresql
>     > database?
>     You need a web server to generate and process html forms that display
>     the data. One is Apache, with the right module to process your forms'
>     data. In your case maybe this could help :
>     http://ant.apache.org/antlibs/dotnet/
>     Can't help you more, as I only do Perl.
>     There is a learning curve, but you'll gain *a lot* of power.
>     --
>     Vincent Veyron
>     http://marica.fr/
>     Progiciel de gestion des dossiers de contentieux et d'assurance
>     pour le service juridique

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