Thank You for your suggestion. Any other suggestions are welcome.

On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Vincent Veyron <> wrote:

> Le mardi 07 décembre 2010 à 13:42 +0530, Kalai R a écrit :
> >  So please guide me, What should do to implement online postgresql
> > database?
>  You need a web server to generate and process html forms that display
> the data. One is Apache, with the right module to process your forms'
> data. In your case maybe this could help :
> Can't help you more, as I only do Perl.
> There is a learning curve, but you'll gain *a lot* of power.
> --
> Vincent Veyron
> Progiciel de gestion des dossiers de contentieux et d'assurance pour le
> service juridique

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