On 11/16/2010 10:51 AM, Magnus Hagander wrote:
What I'm more interested in is still a word from the people who would
actually *use* a forum on how this would be better than sites like
Nabble and Gmane.

I'm one of those. I'm subscribed to these mailing lists simply because it is the only way I know of to get the messages in a timely fashion, but I would greatly prefer a forum-style interface.

I had never heard of Nabble or Gmane until now, but I just checked them out and from my quick look it *looks* like a web interface for people who prefer mailing lists.

I like having a category breakdown (at the moment I have my email client splitting the various lists into folders), and I like having little icons telling me which ones I already read and which are new (my email client has that also of course).

So basically, the email lists are usable, but if this forum works out I'll dump my email subscription in a second and use that. I don't think either is inherently better than the other, it's just personal preference.

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