On 17/11/2010 12:01 AM, Michael Gould wrote:
Personally I don't care what kind of "forum" interface is used.  I just
don't like the email because while I like to follow the forum, I spend a lot
of time out of the office and I don't like to have to download all of that
mail just to keep up.  I'd much rather use something that I can access from
my phone browser.  I do this even with my other company email because I
don't want to use up the space on my phone.

Which phone, out of interest? And which server backend?

Even my ancient Nokia E71 (a Symbian Series 60 phone) is capable of downloading only the most recent "n" messages from a mailbox. Unless you're stuck with some incredibly brain-dead phone and/or IMAP server setup, I find it hard to imagine this being a problem.

I'm also unsure how this issue is better addressed by a dedicated forum than by gmane/nabble/etc.

I now find myself wondering if the existing mail/web gateways like nabble or gmane offer "skinned" versions under an org's own domain. That'd be an awfully nice option - have a "forum.postgresql.org" that's really just gmane/nabble/etc under the hood.

Craig Ringer

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