On 15/11/10 07:04, anypossibility wrote:
> I am running postgres postgres version 8.3 on OS X.
> The data directory is on network volume.

What kind of network volume?

An AFP mount? SMB share? NFS? iSCSI?

In general, it's a really bad idea to run PostgreSQL (or any other
database) over file-level network storage like SMB/AFP/CIFS/NFS.
Block-level network storage like iSCSI is generally OK, depending on the
quality of the drivers in target and initiator.

> I understand that some updates were lost because they haven't been
> written to the disk yet hence updates are lost.
> However, it seems that record that were created long time ago (but
> updated before the crash occurs) is completely missing (unable to find
> even after reindex is done).
> Does this make sense? or Is this impossible and record might be
> somewhere on the disk? 

Without details it is hard to know.

Before you do anything more, make a COMPLETE COPY of the entire data
directory, including the pg_clog, pg_xlog, etc directories as well as
the main data base storage. Put it somewhere safe and do not touch it
again, because it might be critical for recovery.

In addition to the network file system type, provide the log files
generated by PostgreSQL when you post a follow-up. These might provide
some explanation of what is wrong.

There is a significant chance your database is severely corrupted if
you've been using a network file system that doesn't respect write
ordering and had it unexpectedly disconnect.

Craig Ringer

Tech-related writing: http://soapyfrogs.blogspot.com/

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