   I am the OP.

With due respect to everyone (and sincere apologies to Richard Broersma), my
intention was not to create a thread about MySQL/Oracle's business

It was about the technical discussion on Highscalability - I have been
trying to wrap my head around the concept of multiple core scaling for
Postgres, especially beyond 8 core (like Scott's Magny Coeurs example). My
doubt arises from  whether Postgres depends on the kernel scheduler for
multiple CPU/core utilization.

If that is the case, then does using FreeBSD vs Linux give rise to any
differences in scaling?

Taking the question one step further, do different Linux kernels (and
schedulers) impact Postgres scalability ? The Phoronix Test Suite already
tests linux kernel releases for regressions in performance w.r.t postgres DB
performance (e.g
but doesnt particularly focus on multiple cores.

Is it something that should be benchmarked ?


P.S. on the topic of scalability, here is another article -
where people have asked if a similar thing can be done using Postgres UDF or
a marshalling  ODBA  http://scm.ywesee.com/?p=odba/.git;a=summary

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