At 07:50 PM 11/30/00 -0600, GH wrote:
>On Thu, Nov 23, 2000 at 07:58:29AM -0800, some SMTP stream spewed forth:
>> At 09:44 AM 11/21/00 -0700, Tim Uckun wrote:
>> >What about the php module? Does it take advantage of API?
>> I don't know. If not, though, there wouldn't be much point in using
>> AOLserver, since the simple and efficient database API is the main
>> attraction. So I think there's a pretty good chance it does.
>Through the course of another thread on the lists we have concluded that
>PHP does not support the AOLServer (or any other similar) database API.
>The "blockage" is that PHP includes its own database functions, albeit
>they are based on the Postgres, MySQL, etc. APIs individually.
>I am considering looking into urging an integration of PHP and
>AOLServer's connection pooling (for lack of a better word) stuff.
Well, meanwhile I've gotten confirmation from folks in the PHP world
(via an openacs forum) that it still isn't threadsafe, though there's
an effort underway to track down the problems. I don't know how close
to solving this they are.
- Don Baccus, Portland OR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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