On 2010-09-23, at 10:27 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

> Andrew Hunter <ahun...@ucalgary.ca> writes:
>> On 2010-09-22, at 9:56 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>>> Andrew Hunter <ahun...@ucalgary.ca> writes:
>>>> I have been trying to install the Gevel module but am getting an error 
>>>> when running make on the gevel files download.
>>>> The error is:
>>>> /contrib/contrib-global.mk: No such file or directory.
>>>> I have also tried USE_PGXS=1 make, but get the same result.  I am unable 
>>>> to find contrib-global.mk.
>>> Could we see the output of "pg_config"?
>> PGXS = /usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/pgxs.mk
> Hm.  If that file is in fact present, I'd have expected "make USE_PGXS=1"
> to work.  The error you cite looks like what would happen without
> USE_PGXS --- are you sure you get the exact same error both ways?
> If you're still baffled, it might help to show Gevel's Makefile.
> It's possible it isn't invoking pgxs correctly.
>                       regards, tom lane

Hi Tom,  

Yes, I got the same result with USE_PGXS=1.  This is my first attempt at 
compiling a module for Postgresql, so it could well be something very simple 
that I am missing...

Here is the content of the gevel Makefile

subdir = contrib/gevel
top_builddir = ../..
include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global

MODULES = gevel
DATA_built = gevel.sql
REGRESS = gevel

include $(top_srcdir)/contrib/contrib-global.mk

I have tried running this from the gevel directory under 

Thanks for your assistance.



Andrew Hunter PEng RPSurv PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Geomatics Engineering
Schulich School of Engineering
University of Calgary

T: +403.220.7377
F: +403.284.1980
E: ahunter (at) ucalgary (dot) ca

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