
I didn't check the message header...

You can ignore my first question :)

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 15:56, Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
<franci...@npgsql.org> wrote:
> Are you using Npgsql with NHibernate?
> We added an option to send this command when starting a connection.
> But the setting is inside a try catch error handler, so you aren't
> supposed to receive it.
> On my tests I couldn't reproduce the error. The only error we got
> about that was a user who had a breakpoint set in VS.net to trigger an
> exception whenever there was an error from server. But this was only
> while debugging his app, obviously.
> On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 10:49, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>> Mike Christensen <m...@kitchenpc.com> writes:
>>> Sorry, when I had emailed the NHibernate DL the exception was in the
>>> subject line.  I forgot to copy the subject this time.  The exception
>>> is:
>>> ERROR: 42704: unrecognized configuration parameter
>>> "ssl_renegotiation_limit"
>> ssl_renegotiation_limit is a server parameter that was added to all
>> active PG branches in a security patch last February.  Apparently you
>> have a postgresql.conf file that tries to set that parameter, and have
>> reverted to a server version that doesn't include it.  Best fix is to
>> update your PG to latest minor release.  Alternatively you could take
>> out the setting but that would imply you don't have the security fix,
>> and also probably the problem that led you to put in the setting would
>> come back.
>>                        regards, tom lane
>> --
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> --
> Regards,
> Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
> Npgsql Lead Developer
> http://www.npgsql.org
> http://fxjr.blogspot.com
> http://twitter.com/franciscojunior


Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
Npgsql Lead Developer

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