Sorry, when I had emailed the NHibernate DL the exception was in the
subject line.  I forgot to copy the subject this time.  The exception

ERROR: 42704: unrecognized configuration parameter

On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Mike Christensen <> wrote:
> Hi all, this is really a NHibernate issue I believe, but I emailed
> their DL and all I got was crickets..  Lots and lots of crickets..
> I get this error every time I start my app.  It also appears in my SQL
> log files.  I'm running Postgres 8.3.x.  The exception occurs on this
> line of code:
> ISession session = holder.CreateSession(typeof(DB.User));
> Whatever is throwing the exception is catching it and ignoring it, so
> it isn't anything the breaks my program; however, sometimes I like to
> have "Break on all exceptions thrown" enabled and this gets kinda
> annoying.  Is there any way to prevent whatever this configuration
> parameter is from being set?  Thanks!

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