Jay Flattery <jayc...@rocketmail.com> writes:
> Actually, if I just dump the example into a file, compile and install it as a 
> function, it works.

> Only fails when I add the code (without changing anything!) to existing 
> source 
> where I'd like to use it.

Hmph, are you trying to incorporate this code into the core backend?
It's depending on being in a dynamic library, because otherwise that
_PG_init function won't get called.  (Although that still seems like
it doesn't explain the symptom ... should crash sooner if the
hashtable's not been created.)

FWIW, that backtrace looks like it's from the postmaster process, not
from a crashing backend.  You need to make sure you attach gdb to the
right process ...

                        regards, tom lane

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