Thanks for your reply.

Actually I had already changed the sizeof()s..

Not sure of the actual error, postmaster just dies:
NOTICE:  Didn't find 9 -- good
NOTICE:  about to extract object at key 0 (extra notice added by me)
LOG:  server process (PID 55483) was terminated by signal 11: Segmentation fault

Wondering if it was just me..?

----- Original Message ----
From: Tom Lane <>
To: Jay Flattery <>
Sent: Wed, August 4, 2010 3:46:24 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] hashtable issue - HASH_FIND?? 

Jay Flattery <> writes:
> I'm looking to use the PostgreSQL Hash Table for some custom functions.
> However, the example, as per 
> crashes 

> postmaster (or segfaults from the cmd line) when trying to retrieve an 
> element 

> from the hash.

I think the "palloc(sizeof(key))" bits ought to be
"palloc(sizeof(*key))" ... or personally I'd have used
sizeof(HashKey).  Although offhand it looks like that should
be the same size or larger, so it doesn't seem to explain a crash.
Where's the crash happening exactly?

            regards, tom lane


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