On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 11:54 PM, tamanna madaan
<tamanna.ma...@globallogic.com> wrote:
> Hi Scott
> Thanks for your reply . I haven't yet tried updating to latest 8.1.x version. 
> Was juss googling about this error and came across
> a link discussing the same issue :
> http://groups.google.com/group/pgsql.general/browse_thread/thread/75df15648bcb502b/10232d1f183a640a?lnk=raot
> In this , the problem had occurred on 8.4.1 and a patch 
> (snapmgr-bugfix-rehash-2.patch ) was provided on 8.4.1 to circumvent this 
> problem.
> This patch worked fine . I was just wondering if this patch
> is backward compatible and can it be merged with 8.1.2
> to get it working. Any suggestions ??

Check the release notes for the 8.1 version that came our around the
same time as 8.4.2?  I'd expect if it's a known issue that affected
all versions the fix got put into the older versions as well, unless
it was considered a more dangerous thing to fix there.

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