Hi Scott

Thanks for your reply . I haven't yet tried updating to latest 8.1.x version. 
Was juss googling about this error and came across
a link discussing the same issue :


In this , the problem had occurred on 8.4.1 and a patch 
(snapmgr-bugfix-rehash-2.patch ) was provided on 8.4.1 to circumvent this 

This patch worked fine . I was just wondering if this patch 
is backward compatible and can it be merged with 8.1.2
to get it working. Any suggestions ??


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Marlowe [mailto:scott.marl...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 9:35 PM
To: tamanna madaan
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org; Tapin Agarwal
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] "attempted to lock invisible tuple" error while update

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 10:56 PM, tamanna madaan
<tamanna.ma...@globallogic.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> I am using a  cluster setup  with two nodes in it. Replication between two
> nodes is being done through slony.
> Postgres version is 8.1.2 and slony version is 1.1.5 .
> I am running an operation that does thousands of update/inserts/delete on
> some tables. While running update query on a
> particular table let say <abc> , it gives error "attempted to lock invisible
> tuple" and fails. This update query is supposed to update
>  hundreds of record. Sometimes it gives the error while  running this update
> query and sometimes not. I have seen postgres logs of two
>  instances when it fails due to "attempted to lock invisible tuple" error ,
> in these two instances while it was doing an update  on <abc> table,
>  another query was going on the same table which was updating a particular
> record. Can this (two updates at the same time on the same table) be the
> reason for
> this error  in some way ( just a guess) . If not, then what can be the
> reason of this error ??

Not sure what the cause is but have you tried updating to the latest
8.1.x version?

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