Dennis Gearon, 05.07.2010 23:43:
I belong to MANY email listservers, probably like all of us.
All of them, I am on digest.
The CONTENT from all of you contributors is superior, more mature,
and more directly helpful than all the other lists. I think it has
something to do with the conservative, structured mind set of us
Dbase programmers. (Or at least when we discuss database issues ;-)
However, I think that the mailing list world has moved beyond what we
use, at least for those of us who receive digest mode. The google
groups group all the same topics in one block, and uses
intra-document html links to get to those blocks.
By using the 'subjects contents' table at the top of the digest
email, and the back button, it is VERY easy to investigate only the
subjects one is intersted in, without having to scan through the
whole digest. There are other, better-than-pgsql-mail-program
convenience attributes of the google groups email system.
I read it through the gmane newsreader, so I get threaded display and can easily
"scan" the subjects.
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