I belong to MANY email listservers, probably like all of us.

All of them, I am on digest.

The CONTENT from all of you contributors is superior, more mature, and more 
directly helpful than all the other lists. I think it has something to do with 
the conservative, structured mind set of us Dbase programmers. (Or at least 
when we discuss database issues ;-)

However, I think that the mailing list world has moved beyond what we use, at 
least for those of us who receive digest mode. The google groups group all the 
same topics in one block, and uses intra-document html links to get to those 

By using the 'subjects contents' table at the top of the digest email, and the 
back button, it is VERY easy to investigate only the subjects one is intersted 
in, without having to scan through the whole digest. There are other, 
better-than-pgsql-mail-program convenience attributes of the google groups 
email system.

I would like to open a conversation about either changing our email to be more 
like google groups, or a move to google groups.

PS, we(Postgresql databsase) don't(doesn't) have any mention on lots of 
SQL/Database tutorials. Everything is mysql this, mysql that. I just offered to 
write examples for Postgresql to w3schools SQL section. I'd like to encourage 
others to look for opportunities to do that, especially for the programming 
language frameworks. I am always promomting P-sql to the coders of Symfony and 
referring little issues withi postgres to them.

Dennis Gearon

Signature Warning
EARTH has a Right To Life,
  otherwise we all die.

Read 'Hot, Flat, and Crowded'
Laugh at http://www.yert.com/film.php
Dennis Gearon

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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