On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 9:44 AM, erobles <erob...@sensacd.com.mx> wrote:
> Hi!
> I have  3  pc's:
> pc 'A'  with postgres 7.2 running
> pc 'B' and 'C'  connected to  'A'
> if i made  the next query on 'B' or 'C' :  "select * from detail with
>  id=72";  takes too long time to  return the data, near of 10 minutes more
> or less.
> if i made  the next query on 'B' or 'C' :  "select * from detail with
>  id=71",  or whatever value in id , the data are returned immediatly.

How long does

select count(*) from (select * from detail where id=72);

take?  I.e. no transfer of data, just the count.

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