On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 08:44:35AM -0500, erobles wrote:
> Hi!
> I have  3  pc's:
> pc 'A'  with postgres 7.2 running
> pc 'B' and 'C'  connected to  'A'

You should upgrade as quickly as possible. 7.2 is ancient. Even 8.1 will hit
end-of-life soon.

> if i made  the next query on 'B' or 'C' :  "select * from detail with   
> id=72";  takes too long time to  return the data, near of 10 minutes  
> more or less.
> if i made  the next query on 'B' or 'C' :  "select * from detail with   
> id=71",  or whatever value in id , the data are returned immediatly.
> if i made  the next query on 'A'  (postgres server):  "select * from  
> detail with  id=72", the data are returned immediatly.

I wonder if you're just hitting caching effects, and the different client
hosts are confusing the issue. If you issue the query from one machine
multiple times, does it reliably take forever the first time, and go quickly

Joshua Tolley / eggyknap
End Point Corporation

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