On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 08:48:11 -0700
Rob Wultsch <wult...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The freedom of the storage engine interface allows for much more
> varied backend characteristics. Some examples:

This is *really* fascinating but pg transactional engine is very
mature and solid.
Before any of the should-be-really-transactional-engine of MySQL
will be as mature as pg's one, pg will have a lot more
feature/speed/development sugar.

If I didn't need a transactional engine I'd be happy to go (well not
really happy[1]) with MySQL and any of its engines.

It is nice to reuse and mix and match different tools.

[1] I find some inconsistency of mysql a bit painful to live with...
as I find some inconsistency in PHP equally irritating but they are
there, quite diffused and still for certain domains the best
compromise available.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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