On 25 June 2010 10:50, John Gage <jsmg...@numericable.fr> wrote:
> In the words of Dwight Eisenhower, I couldn't fail to disagree with you
> less.  That said...
> Replying to my own post, and on further examination of the MySQL
> documentation, I am astonished to discover that MySQL does not support
> regular expressions much less something like tsvector.  Please disabuse me
> of this idea if I am mistaken.
> To me, this turns MySQL into a toy.  Regular expressions are an
> extraordinarily powerful tool rooted in science that make manipulating text
> data infinitely easier.  To leave them out of a system (recall that the
> Macintosh is based on Unix and supports egrep, for example, out of the box)
> is unbelievably backward.

I still find it frustrating that I can't use Perl-style regular
expressions in PostgreSQL though... although it might be the case that
it does, and that I just don't know how to use it.


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