On 6/10/2010 3:50 PM, Mike Christensen wrote:
I have a column called "email" that users login with, thus I need to
be able to lookup email very quickly.  The problem is, emails are
case-insensitive.  I want f...@bar.com to be able to login with
f...@bar.com as well.  There's two ways of doing this, that I can see:

1) Every time I lookup an email in the database, do a case-insensitive
ilike, or cast both sides with LOWER().  I think both are slow,
2) Every time the user updates or saves their email, store it in
lowercase, and every time I lookup an email, pass in a lowercase
email.  This is somewhat of a bug farm because one might miss some
little spot in a piece of code where an email is compared or updated.

Is there any way to tell postgres to always store data in lowercase
form, or just have a flat out case-insensitive column?  Thanks!


There is citext in contrib, it makes case insensitive text columns.


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