On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 3:34 PM, Mike Christensen <m...@kitchenpc.com> wrote:
> From this site:
> http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/citext.html
> I couldn't tell if you still had to create an index on the lower case
> value.  It seems that it basically mimics the WHERE LOWER(email) =
> LOWER(?) method.  Since this part is incredibly performance critical,
> maybe I'm better off storing my data all in lowercase and keeping the
> DB case sensitive.

of course you'd still need an index.  whether you store it lower case
in regular text or mixed case in a citext, the db would need an index
for good performance.  But you wouldn't have to store a lower() index
for citext, just an index.

BTW, citext it new for 8.4, so it's probably not an option for you if
you're on 8.3

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