Brian Modra schrieb:

Personally I like to use html docs, and it would be good if the
documentation were downloadable from the postgresql website in other
formats, for convenience...

But, what I use is this, which works pretty well:

(e.g. to get the 8.1 dosc)

mkdir postgresql
cd postgresql
wget -r -nH -l 10 -k -np

... then after it all downloads:

open the file docs/8.1/interactive/index.html
in your web browser.

links docs/8.1/interactive/index.html

HTML is "text", so you can search using grep e.g.
grep -r "ALTER TABLE .* ADD COLUMN" docs/8.1

Thats the way i do too. A huge pdf is often not very helpful. In my personal case i programm often in a train, using my laptop. Searching a PDF with more than 1.000 pages really hits my battery. With html-files i could preselect the items to search. Also it's possible to import the html-files in a postgres-db and using fulltext-search. ;)

-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 verschiedenen Datenbanksystemen abstrahiert, Queries von Applikationen trennt und automatisch die Query-Ergebnisse auswerten kann.

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