On 6/8/2010 9:23 AM, Peter Hunsberger wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 4:04 AM, John Gage<jsmg...@numericable.fr>  wrote:
>> Unix is a text-based operating system with unbelievably helpful text
>> manipulation tools.
>> Postgres is a creature of Unix which happens to have unbelievable text
>> searching and manipulation tools.
>> Yet, the only one file edition of the Postgres documentation is in...pdf
>> format.  Huh?
> I suppose the next thing you'll be suggesting is that, because
> Postgres is a database, the documentation should be stored as some
> form of searchable table within the database itself....?
> <runs and hides/>

Its also available in chm  windows help file format.  Which i find allot 
more useful
you could print chm to a text file.

also it not hard to dump a PDF document into a text file.

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