On Friday 28 May 2010 1:34:24 pm erobles wrote:
> On 05/28/2010 03:18 PM, alvherre wrote:
> > Excerpts from erobles's message of vie may 28 16:08:23 -0400 2010:
> >> it did'nt work  :-(  , because the script is  for  pg 8.2 and i have pg
> >> 7.2 and the table  pg_cast doesn't exist.  whatever is a good idea but i
> >> need  to know the   table or tables  on postgres 7.2.
> >
> > Of course it didn't work if you tried to run it in 7.2; you're supposed
> > to run it in the 8.3 server, not the old one.  The point is to make 8.3
> > sort-of compatible with the old behavior.
> did you see the script?
> didn't  it work because the  first command is a psql  pointing a pg
> server 8.2
> the second command is a psql pointing a pg server 8.3
> then  the command  are executed   and  get the differences
> after that  made the  properly casting fucntions
> this result ok , because the postgres 8.x.x have the same database
> catalog.... in this case have the table pg_cast
> so the query works  OK.
> the problem in the postgres 7.2   doesn't exists  the table pg_cast so i
> can't get the information need it to  get the differences
> so, i need  modify the first command  run it and get the  info in the
> same format to get it.

I believe you are looking at the wrong file; the shell script. Try instead the 
other link http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Image:Pg83-implicit-casts.sql It 
contains the functions you need.

Adrian Klaver

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