In response to Adrian Klaver <>:

> On 05/28/2010 11:20 AM, erobles wrote:
> > hi!
> > only for ask, there is a way to deactivate type validation, so i can do
> >
> > select rtrim(number_field) from table ; with no error and the message:
> > "You might need to explicit type casts"
> >
> > this is postgres 8.3.1.
> >
> What are you trying to do? I am trying to think what rtrim does on a number.

It doesn't work on numbers, which is why he gets the "need type casts" error.

Direct answer to the question: no, there is no way to disable type validation,
it's a core feature and it wouldn't make sense.

Solution to your problem:
select rtrim(CAST(number_field AS TEXT)) from table;

Although I can't imagine why you'd be trying to trim whitespace from a
numeric field ... it will never have whitespace.

Bill Moran

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