Great! Thanks Alban, Alexander, and Thomas. That solved the issue but could you tell me what is the issue when I give brackets in second query?
techdb=# INSERT INTO changelogtest (id, txid, txtime) values (5, 123, now()) except *select id, txid, txtime *from changelogtest where id=5; INSERT 0 1 techdb=# INSERT INTO changelogtest (id, txid, txtime) values (5, 123, now()) except select* (id, txid, txtime)* from changelogtest where id=5; ERROR: each EXCEPT query must have the same number of columns LINE 2: except select (id, txid, txtime) I need brackets because this query actually I am using from trigger like below and it gives the same error: Could you please help me with it. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_history_info() RETURNS VOID AS $BODY$ my $query = (<<ENDQUERY); INSERT INTO changelogtest(id, txid, txtime) SELECT (\$1, \$2, \$3) EXCEPT SELECT (id, txid, txtime) FROM changelogtest WHERE id = \$1 AND txid = \$2 AND txtime = \$3; ENDQUERY # Always use the prepared query if available if (not exists($_SHARED{$query})) { $_SHARED{$query} = spi_prepare($query, 'INTEGER', 'INTEGER', 'TIMESTAMP'); } spi_exec_prepared($_SHARED{$query}, 5, 123, now()); return; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plperl' VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER techdb=# SELECT insert_history_info(); ERROR: error from Perl function "insert_history_info": INSERT has more target columns than expressions at line 15. Thanks, Dipti On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Alban Hertroys <> wrote: > On 23 Apr 2010, at 13:17, dipti shah wrote: > > For this case you're using 3 values in the first half of the expression and > only 1 in the second: > > > techdb=# INSERT INTO changelogtest (id, txid, txtime) > > values (5, 123, 'now') > ^^ ^^^ ^^^^--- 3 columns, namely int, int & text. > > except > > select (id, txid, txtime) > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^--- 1 column, a row-type containing (int, int, > timestamp) > > from changelogtest > > where id=5; > > ERROR: each EXCEPT query must have the same number of columns > > LINE 2: except select (id, txid, txtime) > > Alban Hertroys > > -- > If you can't see the forest for the trees, > cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest. > > > !DSPAM:1050,4bd18a8610411242712669! > > >