On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 10:03:05PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Matt Beauregard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>>> NOTICE:  mdopen: couldn't open pg_user: No such file or directory
> >> 
> >> This is strange in itself.  There should be an (empty) file named
> >> pg_user in your $PGDATA/base/template1 directory --- is there?
> >> What about pg_views?
> > Neither are there.
> Hmm.  *Something's* been tromping on your database, then.  Hard to tell
> what happened from the information at hand ... but I'll bet the
> corrupted index on pg_class is related somehow.
> Since these are only views, the datafiles underlying them would be empty
> anyway --- so you can recreate the datafiles just by doing
> "touch $PGDATA/base/template1/pg_user" etc.

I've touched pg_user and pg_group but the db still won't find them.
Is it normal to not be able to create things beginning with pg_ inside
template1, or has template1 lost its magic?

> You could probably rebuild the corrupted index using REINDEX.  I haven't
> had to do that myself so I'm not sure about the procedure.

I had a go at that but it doesn't seem to have fixed things.

> I'd definitely recommend a full dump, initdb, restore once you have
> things working well enough to allow a dump.  Whatever happened here,
> you probably haven't seen all the effects yet :-(

Is there any way to get pg_dump to dump the data but nothing else?
The databases in their current state work fine for normal
select/insert/update, just not for dumping.  

Matt Beauregard
Information Technology Operations, DesignScape

Ph: +61 2 9361 4233   Fx: +61 2 9361 4633

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