On Wed, 2010-02-17 at 11:59 -0500, Dhimant Patel wrote:

> I have created a database, which I plan to load with several tables. I
> am trying to find the size of the databases and came
> across pg_database_size(oid) function. Since it requires databse oid,
> I thought there must be a view where you get it - then came across
> "pg_database" table and still all in vain. The "pg_database" table
> lists all databases in the server but won't provide me the oid
> for pg_database_size(). 
> I noticed this being true for almost all reference views. For example,
> pg_tablespace lists the tablespaces but no tablespace oid.
> Function pg_tablespace_databases (tablespace_oid) ,
> needs tablespace_oid, but where I could get it from?

Use the db name.

test=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('test'));
 5392 kB
(1 row)


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