I am having the table with 1 million rows.

I know there can be multiple "YanChengCHEOK". But in certain situation, I will 
be only interested in 1 "YanChengCHEOK".

I try to perform SELECT query.

SemiconductorInspection=# SELECT measurement_type_id FROM measurement_type 
WHERE measurement_type_name='YanChengCHEOK';
(1 row)
Time: 331.057 ms

I try to have it in stored procedures.

    _measurement_type_id int8;
    SELECT measurement_type_id INTO _measurement_type_id FROM measurement_type 
WHERE measurement_type_name='YanChengCHEOK';
    RAISE NOTICE '%', _measurement_type_id;
    return 1;

It tools me only 1.018ms

High chance that PostgreSQL stop looking further, when it found that the 
variable int8 had been fill in with at most 1 value.

Without using stored procedure, how can I send a SQL statement to PostgreSQL, 
to tell it that I need only 1 measurement_type_id, to speed up the SELECT speed.

Thanks and Regards
Yan Cheng CHEOK


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