> I, for one, would loudly and firmly resist the addition of such a
> feature. Almost-as-fast options such as intelligent re-checking of

Even if it was not the default behavior?

> If you really want to do that, look at the manual for how to disable
> triggers, but understand that you are throwing away the database's data
> integrity protection by doing it.

I guess it's a matter of philosophy. I kind of think as the DBA I
should be the final authority in determining what is right and wrong.
It's my data after all. Yes I would expect pg to perform every check I
specify and execute every trigger I write but if I want I should be
able to bypass those things "just this once".

As you point out I can already do this by manually going through and
disabling every trigger or even dropping the triggers. Many people
have said I could drop the constraints and re-set them up.  The fact
that the COPY command does not have a convenient way for me to do this
doesn't prevent me from "shooting myself in the foot" if I want to.
It would just be a flag. If you want you can enable it, if you don't
they no harm no foul.

Anyway this is getting offtopic. I got my question answered. COPY does
not do this. If I want to do it I have to manually iterate through all
the triggers and disable them or drop them before running copy.

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