Le 29/12/2009 21:21, akp geek a écrit :
> thanks for the repsonse. I appreciate it. are there any limitations on using
> this one?  Means that we have to the same user on both databases and same
> passwords.
> I have used the command following way
>   check_postgres.pl --action=same_schema -H 172.xxxx  -p 1550
> --db=myProdDB  --dbuser=prodUser  --dbpass=prodPwd  --dbhost2=172.xxxxx
> --db=testDB  --dbuser=testUser  --dbpass=testPwd  --verbose > difference.txt
> what happend was , it complained about the password, then I tried replacing
> the testPwd with prodPwd, then it started executing. but it prompted for
> password for testuser. that's where I got confused

You give --dbuser and other options twice. You should probably do this:

check_postgres.pl --action=same_schema \
  -H 172.xxxx -p 1550 \
  --db=myProdDB --dbuser=prodUser  --dbpass=prodPwd
  --dbhost2=172.xxxxx \
  --db2=testDB  --dbuser2=testUser --dbpass2=testPwd \
  --verbose > difference.txt


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