On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 03:21:18PM -0500, akp geek wrote:
>    thanks for the repsonse. I appreciate it. are there any limitations on
>    using this one?  Means that we have to the same user on both databases and
>    same passwords.
>    I have used the command following way
>      check_postgres.pl --action=same_schema -H 172.xxxx  -p 1550  
>    --db=myProdDB  --dbuser=prodUser  --dbpass=prodPwd  --dbhost2=172.xxxxx
>    --db=testDB  --dbuser=testUser  --dbpass=testPwd  --verbose >
>    difference.txt
>    what happend was , it complained about the password, then I tried
>    replacing the testPwd with prodPwd, then it started executing. but it
>    prompted for password for testuser. that's where I got confused

You might try a pgpass file[1] and skip providing the passwords on the command

>    One question I have is, is there an option to specify schema also

Check the docs under BASIC FILTERING[2].  You can tell it to ignore objects
with certain names, or to include only those objects with the given names.

[1] http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/interactive/libpq-pgpass.html
[2] http://bucardo.org/check_postgres/check_postgres.pl.html#basic_filtering

Joshua Tolley / eggyknap
End Point Corporation

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