On Dec 21, 2009, at 8:44 AM, Scott Ribe wrote:

> Well, the fact that Monty secretly tried to persuade the EC toward forcing
> Oracle to release MySQL under a license other than the GPL, while lying &
> denying that in public, really shouldn't be considered a plus for MySQL, I
> would think ;-)
> Seriously, founder & current owner engaged in political intrigue over
> licensing? Try running that by a risk-averse manager!

I was literally just discussing this situation with our other DBA at work.  
Monty, who *chose* the GPL for the open source end of their inane 
dual-licensing scheme, and Stallman, who *wrote* the damn thing, are trying to 
get the EU to force Oracle to change the open source end of the license to 
something more permissive, arguing that the viral nature of the GPL will force 
companies that release proprietary products that use MySQL to buy commercial 
licenses from Oracle which is exacly why they (MySQL AB) set things up in that 
manner when Monty owned the company.  It seems to me that Monty & co. wanted to 
have their cake and eat it too and are now crying because Oracle wants to buy 
the recipe.

If you're company releases any kind of proprietary software then that situation 
alone sounds like a good business reason to me not to be looking at MySQL right 

Erik Jones, Database Administrator
Engine Yard
Support, Scalability, Reliability
866.518.9273 x 260
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IRC: mage2k

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