They just called the meeting, or at least that part of it.  There seems to be a 
battle brewing, some MySQL advocates are angry, concerned, fearful, ... I dont 
know why for sure.  My managers, who advocate my position and PG are preparing, 
but the decision will be made by higher-ups who really don't know anything 
about DBs.  They just talk in terms of risk and cost and schedules and yes, 
licenses.  So I'll let them articulate the defense of PG on those terms.  I'm 
just an engineer.  I've been feeding them the valuable input I've been getting 
from this forumn and thanks to all who have contributed.  Really!  

-----Original Message-----
From: Massa, Harald Armin [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 3:14 AM
To: Gauthier, Dave
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Justifying a PG over MySQL approach to a project


please also check out the licence and costs terms in detail.
Especially: is it given that the planned usage willl continue to be
within the allowed bounds for MySQL-GPL? Are otherwise the costs for
MySQL-commercial budgeted or a reserve founded?

PostgreSQL has here a GIANT advantage with a very very clear licence
which allows basically anything relevant; without the need to buy
commerical licences.


GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Spielberger Straße 49
70435 Stuttgart
no fx, no carrier pigeon
%s is too gigantic of an industry to bend to the whims of reality

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