--- On Thu, 12/17/09, Adrian Klaver <akla...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > Would it be possible to see the table schemas and indices > ? > > > Sure (you asked for it!!) : CREATE TABLE packet ( id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('packet_id_seq'::regclass), packet_uuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL DEFAULT newid(), username character varying(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying, pgroup_uuid uniqueidentifier DEFAULT newid(), orig_trans_uuid uniqueidentifier, user_reference_id character varying(50) DEFAULT ''::character varying, trans_data character varying(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying, trans_type character varying(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown'::character varying, trans_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone, processor character varying(10), service character varying(10), CONSTRAINT packet_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITH ( OIDS=TRUE ); ALTER TABLE packet OWNER TO postgres; GRANT ALL ON TABLE packet TO postgres; GRANT ALL ON TABLE packet TO adduser; CREATE INDEX packet_otuuid_idx ON packet USING btree (orig_trans_uuid); CREATE INDEX packet_pgroup_uuid_idx ON packet USING btree (pgroup_uuid); CREATE INDEX packet_puuid_hash_uniq ON packet USING hash (packet_uuid); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX packet_puuid_idx ON packet USING btree (packet_uuid); CREATE INDEX packet_trans_date_idx ON packet USING btree (trans_date); CREATE INDEX packet_user_idx ON packet USING btree (username); CREATE INDEX packet_user_puuid_idx ON packet USING btree (username, packet_uuid); CREATE OR REPLACE RULE packet_delete_rule AS ON DELETE TO packet DO INSERT INTO removed_packet (id, packet_uuid, username, pgroup_uuid, orig_trans_uuid, user_reference_id, trans_data, trans_type, trans_date, processor, service) SELECT packet.id, packet.packet_uuid, packet.username, packet.pgroup_uuid, packet.orig_trans_uuid, packet.user_reference_id, packet.trans_data, packet.trans_type, packet.trans_date, packet.processor, packet.service FROM packet WHERE packet.id = old.id; CREATE TRIGGER packet_count_delete_trig BEFORE DELETE ON packet FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE letter_count_trig(); CREATE TRIGGER packet_count_insert_trig AFTER INSERT ON packet FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE letter_count_trig(); CREATE TRIGGER packet_delete_trig BEFORE DELETE ON packet FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE packet_datalink_status_trig(); CREATE TRIGGER packet_insert_trig AFTER INSERT ON packet FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE packet_ins_trig(); CREATE TABLE dpo.packet_search_trigram ( id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('packet_search_trigram_id_seq'::regclass), packet_uuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, trigram_vector tsvector NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT packet_search_trigram_id_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT packet_search_trigram_puuid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (packet_uuid) REFERENCES dpo.packet (packet_uuid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE dpo.packet_search_trigram OWNER TO postgres; GRANT ALL ON TABLE dpo.packet_search_trigram TO postgres WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT ALL ON TABLE dpo.packet_search_trigram TO addgroup; CREATE INDEX packet_search_trigram_packet_uuid_idx ON dpo.packet_search_trigram USING hash (packet_uuid); CREATE INDEX packet_search_trigram_trigram_vector_idx ON dpo.packet_search_trigram USING gin (trigram_vector); -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general