----- "CG" <cgg...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion. I'm not sure what you mean when you say I
> should restore to a file. Do you mean I should dump the database to an
> SQL file instead of the "compressed" format?

See Johns answer.

> What do you think I will find?
> In the database dump, it is including a row that should be marked as
> deleted. I can select on that key in the production database and get
> zero rows, and I can select on that key in the restored database and
> find the row. When I ignore errors the data is restored, but the
> foreign key can't be created (and that is the only error I encounter).
> The presence of the data in the dump can not be contested... :)

Well I often find what I 'know' and what is are not the same:) Basically 
restoring to the file replicates the database restore, with out the error 
hopefully. Looking at the data restored in the file might give you a clue to 
what is going on. Just one step in the process of resolving the problem.

Adrian Klaver

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