Tom wrote:

>> In order to have a "global map" of the dependencies of the functions,
>> views, tables in a PG database, I'd like to have some sort of
>> "dependency tracking tool"...
>> <snip>
>> Is it correct to say that this "hierarchy" does not exist inside
>> Postgresql, and that it is necessary to parse the
>> INFORMATION_SCHEMA.* tables to get this information?
> The information_schema views do not expose that information at all.

The information schema exposes at least the functions definitions,
through "INFORMATION_SCHEMA.routines.routine_definition".

My idea was to parse the functions definitions in order to build
dependencies between the functions. I'm not sure how difficult it is,
especially with overloaded functions, which require more than a simple
pattern search inside the function definition in order to be

Best regards,

Philippe Lang                   Web    :
Attik System                    Email  :
rte de la Fonderie 2            Phone  : +41 26 422 13 75
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