
In order to have a "global map" of the dependencies of the functions,
views, tables in a PG database, I'd like to have some sort of
"dependency tracking tool", that would show for each object:

- which other objects depend on this object
- on which other objects this object depends

This would for example show that a table T1 has a trigger that depends
on a trigger function F1 which itself depends on another function F2
that updates table T2, or that function F2 has a dependent trigger
function F1 linked to a table T1, and that it updates table T2, etc...

Is it correct to say that this "hierarchy" does not exist inside
Postgresql, and that it is necessary to parse the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.*
tables to get this information? Because of function overloading allowed
in PG, I guess it is not an easy job.

Does such a tool exist maybe?

Best regards,


Philippe Lang                   Web    : www.attiksystem.ch
Attik System                    Email  : philippe.l...@attiksystem.ch
rte de la Fonderie 2            Phone  : +41 26 422 13 75
1700 Fribourg                   Mobile : +41 79 351 49 94
Switzerland                     Fax    : +41 26 422 13 76 

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