On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:49 AM, Craig Ringer
<cr...@postnewspapers.com.au> wrote:
> Hi all
> Before I go ahead and try to write a decent quality version: is there
> any chance an array_reverse() function (in C) would be accepted into Pg
> mainline? If not, I probably won't bother cleaning up my current
> awful-hack quality module.
> It's a slow operation to perform in SQL or PL/PgSQL even with 8.4's
> array_agg(...) and generate_subscripts(...) and given how many languages
> seem to provide built-in support it seems to be an operation people need
> quite a bit.

IMO, we should have both that and a string reverse() function.  I just
bumped into the same problem yesterday and was surprised we didn't
have it already.


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