Le mercredi 28 octobre 2009 à 15:13:06, Thom Brown a écrit :
> 2009/10/28 Adrian Klaver <akla...@comcast.net>:
> >> Entirely new features are easier to deal with though.  I still would,
> >> however, want something like a detailed version of Josh's post which
> >> breaks down where the changes have occurred.  It seems quite scattered
> >> and unclear at the moment.
> >>
> >> Thom
> >
> > http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/release-8-5.html
> Thanks Adrian.  I just wasn't looking hard enough obviously :)  That
> list still doesn't appear to be explicit enough though as we have
> "Multiple improvements in contrib/hstore, including raising limits on
> keys and values".  What exactly is meant by limit, what was this limit
> before and what has it been raised to?
> Similarly: "Fix encoding handling in binary input function of xml
> type."  What was the problem before?
> And: "Allow the collection of statistics on sequences".  How would
> your average end-user see whether these statistics are being colelcted
> on sequences?  And are these statistics actually used anywhere yet?
> I'm not really asking for the answer to those questions.  I'm pointing
> out that it isn't clear (at least to me) how to determine what exactly
> has been fixed in order to test it.  This doesn't apply to everything
> listed as some of it is quite clear, like "pg_dump/pg_restore --clean
> now drops large objects."

You're completely right. But release notes never intended to be this. What you 
need is more a "visual" tour, and I don't think anyone did write such a thing 
for any PostgreSQL releases (but I may be proven wrong). I wrote something 
like this in french for 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4. The last two were even published in 
a french Linux magazine. I suppose other people from other countries do the 
same. The advocacy group would do a good thing if it starts working on this 
kind of document. I could probably work on this too.


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